The Dance of Nature

The Heavens above
The Earth formed below
All of these things
Your hands have done
The storm clouds they roar
as they stir up the sky
The thunder it crashes
Like heavenly war
The lightening bolt flashes
Like fingers dancing through the sky
The rains flood the Earth
as ten thousand Angels cry,
“To Him be the glory forever, Amen.”
Your playground is nature
Trembling at Your command
When Your fury as settled
The clouds they do part
And out of the mist
Your glory reigns forth
The rainbow it shines
As a promise unbroken
The seal of a covenant
Of Words You have spoken
Ah! The singing of birds
The rustling of leaves
The thought of your works
makes me fall to my knees
In honor and glory and praise I do come
To lay my crown at Your feet
And kneel at Your throne

This poem was given to me directly by God. I know no other way to tell of it. It happened during my morning prayer time. As my head was saying one thing to God this poem was literally pouring out of my heart. Now don’t go thinking that I was engrossed in some sort of magical prayer time where I was whisked away to Wonder Land and received a scroll with these words written on it. It was actually the simplest of prayer. I woke up and stumbled out to the living room where I plopped on the couch and looked out my front picture window. I gazed up at the beautiful early morning sky and began to tell God what I thought of His creation. Just like that these words poured out of my heart with no control of my own. It was exhilarating and I am so thankful that my God would think enough of me to inspire me by His Holy Spirit. I am always fascinated with His creation. Especially with thunder storms. They are magnificent displays of His power. Oh, how He loves us and how I love Him in return.

By cinnalyn

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